Self- Service SALES. Digital tools for Commercial STRATEGY

Very interesting article by MCKINSEY that I "share" (see link below) on the importance of "Remote Sales" and therefore that figure that some companies have been working on for so long, "INSIDE SALES".
However, the "Covid19" is accelerating the changes, but it is not the cause of them.
The issue is not so much not being able to travel, but rather that the "sales" process is changing and therefore we have to adapt, and it is advisable to put digital tools at the service of salespeople.
In any case, I don't think it has nothing to do with "Digital Strategy". It has to do with COMMERCIAL Strategy.
1) Let them know you exist: Segment very well and focus your message with a CLEAR and FOCUSED VALUE PROPOSITION/ IMPROVEMENT. It is an activity that is "proactive". "Push in the short term and another type of push that is similar to pull in the medium/long term.
For me this is the key.
To be clear about who we are going for. Who we want to be with.
Download here if you want a basic tool that we use with our clients to develop Segmented Value Propositions.
(in return we only ask you to send us an email commenting if you find them useful, or not, to improve them!!!!)
2) That they can find out who you are and how you manage to do what you say you do. IT IS THE CLIENT WHO IS INFORMED. Seek trust.
Accessible content once you are looking for information.
But remembering that it is not only about generating content, because there is "infinite content", but also about letting the people we are interested in know that this content is accessible.
3) SEVERAL "DECISORS" for "BUYING": It is therefore advisable to work on several fronts, with "messages" and "content" focused on the different interests of the people "involved" in the decision.
Customised" value proposition/improvement.
Digital tools" help us with all this.
The strategy is commercial. Some of the tools we all have to use are digital.
Come on, take me to task and let's have a debate.
Digital strategy or commercial strategy?
Link to the article: